Monday, April 6, 2009

Thanks Julie!

Well, any of you that have been pregnant will understand this one... I'm in that time of my pregnancy where there's not a whole lot of evidence that I'm pregnant. I can't feel the baby move yet, and the nausea seems to be fading, so I'm just stuck wondering if everything is ok still; especially those of you who have had a miscarriange or some type of event in pregnancy that could make you worry more than normal. I thought about just calling the nurse at my doc's office to see if she would let me come in and hear the heartbeat (I used to do that for people when I worked for her) but this nurse may do things differently than I did so I decided to just leave it alone. Then Saturday night I hung out with my friend Julie. She works on the high risk maternity floor at OU med center. She took me up there and hooked me up to one of the monitors!! It was so comforting to hear that little rapid heartbeat again!!!! I even got to print the strip from the monitor!!! (something for the baby book she said) Anyway, thanks Julie for easing my mind. For those of you who have heartrate theories about the sex of the baby here are the three that we've gotten so far:

1st -on ultrasound- 170 something...
2nd -154
this weekend-150

Let me know what you guys think!


The Anderson Zoo said...

OK...I think it is a boy. You are not alone in wondering what was going on. I wished I could have heard the heartbeat every day.

I can't wait until you feel the baby move. It is the greatest feeling in the world & is one of the things (& maybe the only thing) I miss about being pregnant.

You will be a GREAT Mom. And Justin will be a GREAT Dad. I'm still praying he will cry & be an emotional idiot.

Thanks for loving my kids.

The Merrell's said...

AMY! I don't know if you remember me (i wasn't your only patient i know, but you sure made me and johnny feel like we were) but i just wanted to say congratulations!!! Im so excited for you! We miss you! Hope all is well with you and Justin!!

Amy said...

I do remember you, Heather! I get updates from Chris and Keli all the time!! I also follow your blog. I'm seeing Dr. Harris for my pregnancy. I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather deliver our baby! It's good to hear from you!

About Me

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I am married to very creative and imaginative husband. Our first child is on the way, and we can't wait. We love Oklahoma dearly. This chronicles our journey through life, the good and bad, funny and sad, exciting and new.